Jan 3, 2007

MISC #1, Reserved Variables

$_, $ARG
default input and pattern searching space

contains the reg expression specified within the parentheses from the last reg expression match

$&, $MATCH
String matched by last successful pattern match

string preceeding information matched by the last pattern match

string following information matched by the last pattern match

last bracket match by the last regular expression search pattern

Set to 1 to do multiline pattern matching within a string. default 0

$., $NR, $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER, input_line_number HANDLE EXPR
current input line no. of the last file read, can be either keyboard, ext file or other file handle

$/, $RS, $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR, input_record_separator HANDLE EXPR
current input record separator. newline by default, can be undefined to read in entire file

all output is buffered by default, periodically flushed. Value is thus set to 0. If value is non-zero, file handle will be auto-flushed after each write operation

$, $OFS, $OUTPUT_FIELD_SEPARATOR, output_field_separator HANDLE EXPR
default output separator for the print series of functions. default is comma separated

$\, $ORS, $OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR, output_record_separator HANDLE EXPR
default output record separator. Ordinarily, none

defines the separator inserted between elements of array output within a double-quoted string. Default is single space

separator used when emulating multi-dimensional arrays. default "\034"

$#, $OFMT
default number format to use when printing numbers

page number of current output channel

no. of printable lines of the current page

no. of lines available to print on the current page

name of the current report format in used by the current output channel. default to name of file handle

name of current top-of-page output format for the current output channel. default is the filehandle with _TOP appended

set of characters after which aa string may be broken to fill continuation fields. Default is "\n-"

character to be used to send a form feed to the output channel. default '\b'

name of current file when reading from the default filehandle <>

when outputting formatted information via the reporting system, the formline functions put the formatted results into $^A, and the write function then outputs and empties the accumulator variable. This the current value of the write accumulator for format lines.

status returned by the last external command or last pipe close. This is the value returned by wait, so the true return value is $? >> 8, and $? &127 is the number of the signal received by the process, if appropriate

returns the error number or error string according to the context in which it is used

contains extended error info for OSs other than Unix. In unix, $^E = $!

error msg returned by the Perl interpreter after executing the eval function. if null, last eval call is successful.

process no. of Perl Interpreter executing the current script

real ID of the user currently executing the interpreter that is executing the script

effective user id of the current process

real group id of current process. If OS supports multi-simultaneous group membership, this returns a space-separated list of group ids

effective group id of the current process

name of the current file containing the script currently being executed

index of 1st element in array or first character in a substring

version + patchlevel\1000 of the Perl interpreter

value of current debugging flag

max system file descriptor no. - usually 2. System file descriptors are duplicated across exec'd processes, although higher descriptors are not

status of syntax checks enabled by compiler hints, such as use strict

value of inplace-edit extension (enabled via the -i switch on the cmd line)

size of emergency pool reserved for use by Perl and the die function when Perl runs out of memory. The only standard method available for trapping Perl memory overuse during execution

operating system name

interval variable that enables you to specify the debugging value.

value of last evaluation in a (?{ code }) block within a reg expression

current interpreter state. Value is undefined if parsing of the current module is not finished. It is true if inside and evaluation block, otherwise false.

time at which the script starts running, defined as no of seconds since Epoch

current value of the warning switch (specified via the -w cmd line option)

name of the Perl binary being executed, determined via the value of C's argv[0].

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